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Fishbourne Palace and Gardens

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On arrival.
Times don't change - It seems that Romans had just as long to wait for a doctors appointment as we do nowadays.

On March 3rd 2022, Fareham Men's Shed paid a visit to the Roman Palace and Gardens at nearby Fishbourne. 17 members and wives made the trip by car and for a few of them, this was their first visit to the site.

The palace was discovered in 1960 after a JCB digging a trench to lay a water main revealed a portion of mosaic covered flooring. After further investigation more areas of mosaic were discovered and the site was declared an area of archaeological interest. Over the next 62 years the discovery has proved to be the largest find of it kind in the UK.

The site now displays countless artifacts, some dating back to 42 BC and the main “dig” is covered by a permanent viewing hall with accessible walkways. After 2 hours inspecting the site and taking in a film presentation we repaired to the Bulls Head, a local hostelry, where we enjoyed an excellent lunch before making our way home.

I have included photographs taken during the visit which includes one that shows that the Romans had just as long to wait for a doctors appointment as we do nowadays.

Author: Tony Crane

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