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UKMSA St Patrick's Day Quiz

The UK Men's Shed Association held a St Patrick's Day Quiz on the 17th March. It was open to all registered sheds and free to enter. The quiz was kindly sponsored by Axminster Tools in the form of tool vouchers.

Fareham Men's Shed was well represented by Richard Bunce, Rod Parker, Peter Raven, Chris Hodgson and following on from his success in the St David's day quiz, our own Tony Crane at which he came a creditable 3rd and won a £50 Axminster Tools voucher for use by the Shed

The quiz had over 40 entrants and was a light hearted and amusing evening run by Pete Anderson. There were 4 rounds, all picture questions with a maximum score of 42. Tony once again showed his ability at not just hosting and running a quiz, but also as a keen contestant and moved up the list to finish in a clear 2nd place and win a £75 voucher, well done Tony!

To give everyone a chance to win a prize we all had to guess the time that Pete the quizmaster finished putting the quiz together on the night before. We were told it was between 9.00pm and 11.00pm. One by one we were asked to give a time and the closest would win. The actual time was 10.56pm One guess was 10.59 and I guessed 10.53pm so the prize was shared and FMS won another £25 making a total of £100 for the evening!

Author: Chris Hodgson

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