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The First Quiz.

The crowd.

Many thanks to our own resident quizmaster, our one and only (ta daaa) Social Secretary, Tony Crane, for a cracking first, face to face quiz. He worked over the shutdown to keep interest going but this was something different. Twenty-nine contestants in six teams including one from The Theatre staff. It was really nice to see members partners and family, we occasionally hear about them but it is nice to manage to put a face to name. Everybody had a great evening and the questions were very cleverly researched including the one that went something like "What is the dried fruit of the prune called?" Oops!!

Two rounds with a picture quiz in the middle to allow contestants to recharge their glasses. All teams were given a Lottery ticket thus enabling Tony to keep his promise of a chance to win a million pounds.

Thanks must also go to Neil from The Theatre for running the bar which definitely made for a more enjoyable evening. Hopefully the weather for the next quiz sometime in October or October will be slightly cooler. See you all then.

Author: Chris Nixon

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