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The shelter ready for demolition.
Ready for demolition, hard hats needed here.

Uplands School had asked whether we could undertake a simple job at the school. The original brief was to make a potting table in the poly tunnel. It turned out that this was a somewhat simplifed description of the job and when Chris H, Brian M and I visited the school last week we were asked whether we could complete three totally separate tasks.

So on Tuesday the 30th of July Brian, Bill K, Dave H and I turned up at the school ready for any tasks. First off demolition of a somewhat dangerous shelter. It had obviously come to the end of it's useful life so we just made it disappear in no time at all. Then there was another shelter that needed tranforming into a new potting shed so we tidied that up ready for the internal first fix. Day 2, just Bill and me today, convert the inside of the new shelter to a potting shed with worksurfaces at knee height - working at that height doesn't half make your back ache but we shedders with our combined total of many years of experience managed, grit and determination managed it. Finally Bill and I just knocked up a few raised beds, we seem to have done so many of these now that they just seemed to put themsellves together.

Well two days work and an extremely satisfied client. We had thought of everything except for the fact that the two hottest days of the year and old fellas working in the open don't really fit together, still with lashings of sun cream on the old bonce and plenty of water we just larfed at that little problem.

Author: Colin Foskett

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