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Could Persimmon learn from this?(15 images)

I had a request for a dolls house from my daughter. The prime requirement was that it had to fit through the loft hatch. It's not the first one that I have made but here is a short slide show of the construction. I know that it is timber framed but at least the walls are vertical which is more than can be said of many of the modern constructions - and there is no snagging to be done, it all worked prior to hand over including the electrics. There is a slight problem with the plumbing though - there isn't any.

Click the image to step through the pictures.

The house in all its glory.
The house in all its glory.

The shower cubicle and toilet unit are re-locatable - hence the plumbing problems.
Now the only step left is to see if it actually meets the prime criterion.

Author: Alan Pearton

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