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Asda Green token scheme

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Gifts like this really help the cause.
Gifts like this really help the cause.

It's always really nice when Heidi from Asda in Newgate Lane arrives. The help that the their green token scheme gives local groups is really great. This year Heidi presented us with a cheque for £400.00 THANK YOU ASDA! Not only did she present the cheque but cakes and chocolates (although some of our members really shouldn't indulge) but this was all part of their friendship weekend. They have also kindly promised support at Stubbington Fayre later in the year.

We only knew that she was coming to present us with the cheque the evening before. To help us show our appreciation this morning Sarah from Moonstones Florist came up trumps as she always does and with absolutely no notice at all produced a bouquet for Heidi who certainly didn't expect that so it was quite a nice surprise for her! Thank you Sarah you really do support Fareham Men's Shed with you skills and beautiful flowers!

Author: Chris Nixon

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