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Our first BarBe.

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Before we started.<br />Click the right half of the image to move forward or anywhere outside the image to close.
Before we started.

The Parent Teacher Association (Friends of Locks Heath Infants School) contacted The Fareham Men’s Shed to ask for help refurbishing their mud kitchen and other items in the Early Years Garden.

With recycled pallet material, roofing felt and a bucket full of screws plus the use of a pressure washer for the hobs, baked on mud is much better than no nails any day! All was eased back in to some shape and are now much safer for the children to cook up plenty of pies. I would think that this must be a temporary fix as some of the items are now well out of guarantee but they do seem to have been well used and must have given much fun. The only thing missing now is a dishwaher, maybe next time.

We tried boiling up a kettle for a cuppa, but no joy, there must be a secret knack which Mick and I have long forgotten.

Author: John Peterkin

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